Wednesday, December 21, 2011

not get carried away...

not get carried away. The holiday season is joyous, but it can also be very hectic and stressful. Instead of spreading yourself too thin or trying to please everyone, for today remain calm, cool, collected and don't get carried away.

We sometimes feel a great need to handle anything and everything - and handle it well - especially when showing off our holiday cheer! But remember today that the holidays are about praise and worship of our Saviour and not who has the most awesome Christmas party, biggest tree or most expensive gift. Being together, talking, sharing memories, enjoying the company of the ones you love - that is the closeness that the season should bring. It doesn't matter if you have a grand gourmet meal or a couple fast food burgers - just fellowship and remember the Christ in Christmas.

So, for today I will not get carried away. I will cherish the pleasures of love, peace, and hope with my friends and family and my holiday will be a blessed and treasured time.