Thursday, December 30, 2010

lay my burdens down...

lay my burdens down. Instead of making resolutions for the New Year, I will lay down the burdens of this year at God's feet. I will let go of them and leave them in His hands.

I will not let the burdens that I carried this year plague me again in the New Year. I will do what I should have done all year, lay them at God's feet. And this time, when I lay my burdens down, I won't take them back! I will, in a sense, clean house. I'm going to throw out the garbage of whatever has happened this year. My mind, soul and heart will be cleansed of the clutter of 2010 that got me off track, made me stumble, or caused me unease. I will trust God to carry these burdens for me and I will trust Him with the outcome.

So, for today I will lay my burdens down. I'm cleaning house and I will get rid of the distress of 2010 and look forward in hope and faith toward a new beginning.