dance in the rain. There's a wonderful saying, "Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass... It's about learning to dance in the rain."
Dance in the rain with joy in your heart and a spirit of optimism. You at least have to try. We get tired and don't always feel like dancing, but "keep dancing!" You don't have to be in perfect rhythm or even on beat at all, but just keep moving. Instead of saying, "Lord please just get me through this day" - say, "God, I'm still dancing. With your help the storm will not stop me. Please help me keep the beat, glide my steps and keep dancing." Everyday that you dance instead of drudge, God will give you what you need. He will lighten your heart.
So, for today I will dance in the rain. Although the storms hit me, I'll keep rejoicing, stay hopeful, and keep dancing. I will hear the vibrant beat of God's melodies and I will dance in the rain knowing that I am protected, I am loved, I am cherished. And I will know that I have the best dance partner in the world!