do something special - just for me! It's time to re-energize, refocus, and renew yourself.
It's very important to think about and care for others. We were put on this earth for the purpose of serving others just as Jesus served us. We need to have open hearts and generous spirits to do this well. And many people day in and day out make the time and effort to do for others. It's those people who also often go overboard and forget to take care of themselves as well. We need energy and enthusiasm to do good works and it's o.k. once in a while to just stop and do something special for yourself. Maybe it's having a long hot bubble bath, maybe a massage, maybe a round of golf, maybe sitting outside with a glass of wine watching the sunset, having your favorite take out - there's something that you regard as a luxury in your life. It doesn't have to be a luxury that costs anything, it can be the luxury to splurge on yourself in terms of time and activity. So, if you consistently and conscientiously do for others and strive to grow and glow in your walk of faith, take some time today to rejuvenate.
So, for today I will do something special that's just for me. I will focus a little bit of attention on myself today and re-energize and thank God for blessing me.