look how far I've come. Today I will not focus on my short-comings or on all that I want to accomplish in the New Year. I will not sit with regret or longing wishing I were better, smarter, thinner, kinder, in a different job, in a different relationship, etc... I WILL focus on how far I've come!!
I will look at all the things I have survived. I will look at all the progress I have made since way back then. I will look at how I have grown in my walk of faith and that I am still growing. I will be proud of all the baby steps and big steps along the way. I will feel strengthened and renewed when I realize I HAVE CHANGED, I HAVE GROWN. And I will say to myself, "Look how far I've come!"
So, for today I will look how far I've come and feel good. I will remember that with God's grace I have made it this far. I will thank Him for being by my side when I needed Him and for carrying me when I wasn't strong enough on my own. I will acknowledge His power and be grateful for how far I've come. And I will excite in the fact that He's not done with me yet!!